If you’re gonna play the game, ya gotta speak the language.

With new technology comes a new language and new terminology. We all know (or should know) that Google has become an officially recognized verb per the Merriam-Webster Dictionary meaning to search something on the web. Similarly, the word Skype is becoming the term used when initiating communications via live video. Like any other industry, you need to learn the terminology to keep up. And in this fast-paced world of social media, barely keeping up is not enough.

That’s why I’d like to share the following link, Social Media Glossary: 48 Terms You Should know, http://bit.ly/bMVmVn from the 60-Second Marketer, an online magazine for the marketing community. This is a handy guide to keep at your side as you venture more and more into the social media realm. Just remember, if you want to walk the walk you need to talk the talk.

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