Cut through the Clutter.

Advertising great David Ogilvy once said you can have great creative, but if it doesn’t sell product it doesn’t mean shit. I couldn’t agree more. The purpose of advertising is to sell more products (or services) to more people, more often. Its goal cannot be entertainment – that’s the purview of television and the movies. How many times have you heard someone talk about an interesting or funny ad, yet they couldn’t tell you who the advertiser was?

Creativity in advertising is more important now than ever because of the immense number of messages we’re exposed to – estimated at upwards of 5,000 daily. No longer is it limited to the traditional media of television, print and radio. Now it is as close as your hip pocket through mobile marketing and interacting with you daily through social media. The noise will only become more deafening in the digital future.

Whether you’re at the gas pump, on the elevator or walking past a store in the mall, everyone is trying to give you a message. Well thought-out creative cuts through the clutter and makes a lasting impression. Your message must be clear, concise and to the point – and above all, it must be engaging. Just filling the space doesn’t work. Build it and they will come only works in the movies. You need to pique the viewer’s interest and give them a reason to spend their precious time absorbing your message. Otherwise you are just adding to the noise and the consumers’ filters will simply tune you out.

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